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Imagines formamus, “we sculpt dreams”.


At Campolonghi, we also sculpt dreams. The dreams of many students of architecture or engineering who come here from far away, eager to put into practice what they have studied. Or the dreams of the many architects and engineers around the world who come to Campolonghi to discuss materials and processes and the latest technologies. The Study and Innovation Centre is a crucial part of the Campolonghi Group, a place dedicated to bringing together all those involved in the different uses of stone — architects, artists, students, engineers and teachers — and inspire them always to reach new goals.


The activities of the centre draw on the technology and knowledge developed over the years by Campolonghi, assisted by the most advanced computer programs and software to allow those ideas to take shape and be turned into real, tangible projects.


The headquarters of the SIC is a building adjacent to the Campolonghi headquarters in Montignoso. It is equipped with a beautiful study area, combined with a laboratory for testing materials, conference rooms, multimedia rooms and accommodation for students.

©2021 Campolonghi S.p.A. - Tutti i diritti riservati - P.IVA 00060530458- TEL.+39 0585 827011 - info@campolonghi.it - Capitale Sociale 3.043.543,00€